Russell Findlay S6F-03775 1. Question to be taken in Chamber. Anas Sarwar S6F-03776 2. Question to be taken in Chamber. Lorna Slater S6F-03777 3. Question to be taken in Chamber. Rona Mackay S6F-03794 4. To ask the First Minister whether he will provide an update on the Scottish Government’s work to keep The Promise, in light of the fifth anniversary of it being made. Douglas Lumsden S6F-03781 5. To ask the First Minister what the Scottish Government's response is to the Court of Session’s decision regarding the Rosebank oil field and the Jackdaw gas field. Jackie Baillie S6F-03787 6. To ask the First Minister what action the Scottish Government is taking to address the reported shortage in clinical radiologists, which is projected to rise to 263 fewer posts than needed by 2028.
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