That the Parliament acknowledges the reported concerns of communities across the north of Scotland, especially those in Aberdeenshire, Angus, Moray and the Highlands, regarding new energy infrastructure; notes that the Scottish Government reportedly indicates that this infrastructure is needed to meet the 2030 offshore wind connection dates and its net zero targets; recognises what it sees as the importance of decarbonising the electricity system, and notes the belief that the strategy to achieve net zero should use a variety of energy sources and consider all infrastructural options, such as undergrounding electrical transmission cables or submarine cables, in order to protect the local economy and character of rural communities; understands that the concerns of rural communities relate to the location, scale and accelerated timeframe of these projects, and that they feel their views are routinely disregarded by the Scottish Government’s current strategy, which has reportedly resulted in an unjust transition taking place in rural communities across Scotland; notes in particular the impact of these plans on the wellbeing of affected residents, who are reportedly worried about their health, businesses, property value, cultural heritage, and the potential loss of prime agricultural land; understands that affected residents have criticised the consultation process of transmission network operator, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN); highlights petition PE2095 to improve the public consultation processes for energy infrastructure projects, which was lodged in the Scottish Parliament by Margaret Tracey Smith; notes the calls for the Scottish Government to ensure that local community submissions are considered as a key factor in considering what applications and routes should be approved; acknowledges what it sees as the strength of feeling among affected communities that rural Scotland is being disproportionately impacted by new energy infrastructure, and recognises local campaigners who are working to raise awareness of these plans so that the voices of affected residents are heard.
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