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Members' Business — S6M-15413 Michelle Thomson: Promoting the Role of Women in Scotland's Journey to Net Zero

Thursday 23 January 2025 12:51 PM


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That the Parliament recognises what it sees as the importance of women in business as Scotland strives to achieve net zero targets; understands that there is a need to stimulate more innovation and entrepreneurship amongst STEM-based sectors to contribute directly to building capacity in Scotland, including in the Falkirk East constituency, and recognises that the wider business sectors also have a role to play in achieving net zero; welcomes the July 2024 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report, and particularly the analysis provided by Glasgow, Edinburgh and Strathclyde universities regarding female entrepreneurship in Scotland; celebrates the finding that women are starting and running new businesses at virtually the same rate as men for the first time in Scotland, and that, globally, the female to male gap in entrepreneurship rates is narrowing, and believes that Scotland is leading the way by this measure; considers, therefore, that women entrepreneurs and business leaders will be a vital resource in leading Scotland's economy towards growth and net zero, but believes that, post-school, the number of females entering STEM-related education, employment or business start-ups remains weak; understands that a 2023 report by Women’s Enterprise Scotland expressed concern that approximately 60% of women-led businesses are somewhat disengaged from achieving net zero, either because of a lack of confidence or a belief that it does not apply to their operations; further understands that a fear of failure is a key cultural barrier to further developing entrepreneurial activity in Scotland at a time when innovation and entrepreneurship will, it believes, be vital to meeting the challenge of achieving net zero, and notes the calls for both effective representation of women in all net zero policy forums and further research into the contribution of women directly in STEM-based businesses and wider business sector activity as net zero is pursued.

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